Traditional Chinese Medicine Perth

An ancient approach to health that incorporates mind body and spirit


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient approach to health that incorporates mind, body and spirit and a diverse range of treatment techniques. It’s important to remember that Chinese Medicine is a whole system – it’s structures, language and concepts are quite different from Traditional Western Medicine. In TCM, we view the body as a harmonious balance of vital energies that exist and travel through “meridians” or channels and organs of the body. Disease or disorder in the body is linked to the understanding of “the flow” and “balance” of the body’s “vital energies”; “Qi” (pronounced “chee”), “Blood”, “Yin and Yang”.

At Melville Osteopathy, we tailor a treatment to suit every person’s individual needs. This allows us to consult a wide range of patients from babies to athletes or professionals. We have a broad approach to Osteopathy among the staff at Melville Osteopathy. Our team may refer you to other trusted practitioners within our clinic if we believe that they may have a more suited Osteopathic approach for you at that particular time.

How can Osteopathy Help?

It can be used in the treatment of pain, stress and a wide range of conditions including but not limited to:

  • Back and neck pain
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Anxiety/Depression/Stress
  • Fertility & Pregnancy
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Insomnia & sleep disorders
  • Skin problems
  • Injury recovery
  • Digestive disorders
  • Headaches & Migraines


During a TCM consultation we’ll take a thorough history to understand the state of your health.  We’ll ask questions about your general health and specific issues for which you are seeking treatment and use traditional chinese medicine diagnostic tools including tongue inspection and pulse assessment.

Based on your individual needs, we then devise a treatment program that may include acupuncture or Traditional Chinese herbal medicine or both.



Acupuncture is a treatment modality performed by a qualified TCM practitioner which involves the use of very fine sterile needles placed along specific points called meridian lines or energy channels. For more details on acupuncture treatments – have a read of our acupuncture page here.



Herbal Medicine is sometimes used in conjunction with acupuncture or as a stand alone TCM treatment approach for many conditions. It involves the use of high quality traditional chinese herbs blended into a specific combination that is tailored to the patients needs and presentation. The general aim is to strengthen and support “Qi”, in an attempt to balance system.

Our TCM Practitioners

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